The Association Between Bauhinia acuminata Blume. With Hosted Plant in Established Monitoring Plot of Gunung Meja Nature Tourist Park of Manokwari


  • SIMSON L MANDABAYA Program Studi Manajemen Hutan Alam Produksi, Fakultas Kehutanan Manokwari
  • NOVITA PANAMBE Program Studi Manajemen Hutan Alam Produksi, Fakultas Kehutanan Manokwari
  • MELIZA S. WORABAI Program Studi Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Papua Manokwari
  • NOVIKA RUKKA Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Papua Manokwari



association, tali kupu-kupu (Bauhinia acuminata Blume.), natural tourism park, gunung meja, manokwari


Gunung Meja Nature tourist Park is one of the low land tropical forest ecosystems in Manokwari  which had various potention of its flora and fauna. The flora potention had relation or complex population, one of them  is association between tali kupu-kupu (Bauhinia acuminata Blume.) with its host tree. The purpose of  the study was to describe the asociation of  B. acuminata with its host tree and its habitat at the low land at Gunung Meja Nature Tourist Park. The method used description with survey technique. The resluts showed that the total population of the trees associating with B. acuminate. There were 10 species i.e. Pometia coreacea, Pometia pinnata, Alstonia scholaris, Artocarpus incissus, Pimelodendron amboinicum, Pterocymbium beccarii, Antiaris toxicaria, Streblus elongate, Medusanthera laxiflora, and Pterygota horsfieldii which dominated by Pometia pinnata 11 trees. The association relation level of B. acuminata with the host tree P. pinnata  was very close (2.506 %)  while association relation level of  B. acuminata was quite close with the host tree of A. scholaris (0.911 %), P. amboinicum (0.911 %), and  the association  level B. acuminata was not close with the host tree P. coreacea (0.683 %), P. beccarii (0.228 %), A. toxicaria (0.228 %), A. incisus (0.683 %), P. horsfieldii  (0.683 %), S.  elongata (0.456 %), and M. laxiflora (0.456 %).


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How to Cite

SIMSON L MANDABAYA, NOVITA PANAMBE, MELIZA S. WORABAI, & NOVIKA RUKKA. (2020). The Association Between Bauhinia acuminata Blume. With Hosted Plant in Established Monitoring Plot of Gunung Meja Nature Tourist Park of Manokwari. JURNAL KEHUTANAN PAPUASIA, 6(1), 96–105.



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